German language lessons


German language lessons

German lessons in the mornings

68 lessons (each 45 minutes), 9:30-11:00 and 11:30-13:00 a.m.
On Wednesday, 3/3 only the placement test and a meeting to get to know each other will take place. The language lessons will start on Thursday, 4/3 (= 17 days of 4 lessons).
● contents: speaking, writing, reading, listening comprehension and grammar
levels: Choose a half-level from basic level A1.1 (beginners without previous knowledge of German) to advanced level C1.1
● The appropriate level is assessed by means of a written placement test which takes place on the first day of the course (03/03). We aim to form groups with 6-12 participants at each level.
● On Wednesday, 03/03/2021 you will write a placement test. On the same day we will let you know your assessed level. You will have your first German language lessons on Thursday, 04/03/2021 - you and the teacher can check if the assessed level fits your speaking and understanding abilities as well. It is still possible to change levels on the 4th and 5th of March.

Certificates and Acknowledgement

● All participants receive a ECTS certificate (European Credit Transfer System) with 6 credit points and a grade upon successfully finishing the course.
● This requires regular attendance as well as successful participation in the tests resp. presentations conducted during the instructional period.
The Spring German Course is organised / conducted by the IIK institute which is not part of the university but a non-commercial association offering intensive German courses in cooperation with the university. For this reason the spring course is not listed in the university’s course catalogue (“Modulhandbuch”) resp. the online examination management system of Göttingen University (“FlexNow”). The IIK can only issue paper certificates.
Nevertheless the IIK courses can be acknowledged as "external academic achievement" and transferred as DaF (German as a foreign language) course/examination component to the ToR (Transcript of Records).

German language lessons in the afternoons (online course): Introduction to Academic Communication (for levels B2/C1)

24 online lessons (live video conferences), 4:15-5:45 p.m., 8-23 March 2021
Precondition for participating in the "introduction to academic communication" is an upper intermediate or advanced knowledge of German (B2/C1).
● 5 fields of study: Law, Economics, Humanities & Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Medicine. This means that topics and material in class are taken from these fields of study. The single subjects of the participants cannot always be incorporated.
● Contents: reading academically orientated articles;
subject-specific vocabulary; presentations and discussion;
typical grammatical phenomena of academic communication;
introduction to term papers, expertises, lab reports, etc.
● Participation in the Introduction to Academic Communication involves an additional fee of € 149.


● All teachers for the morning lessons have years of experience in the field of German as a Foreign Language (Deutsch als Fremdsprache or DaF), both in and outside of university.
● All teachers for the afternoon lessons have an academic background in the respective field of studies.

IIK Göttingen

Intensive German Courses

in cooperation with the
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Institut fuer Interkulturelle Kommunikation e.V.
Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12, 37073 Göttingen



Carsten Manns
room 0.113


phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 99
fax: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 96


Our office hours:

by agreement

→ online meetingroom

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Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation
IIK Göttingen e.V.

Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12
37073 Göttingen

Location Map

Service Point / Administration

Yulia Galatenko
Room 0.112

Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 97
Email: → Contact

Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tuesday & Thursday: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Course Coordination & Management

Contact Persons:
Katharina Cherubim & Carsten Manns
Room 0.113

Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 99
Email: → Contact

Consultation Hours: By appointment only

Board of IIK e.V.

Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 27157
Email: → Contact
Website: → Homepage

Consultation Hours: By appointment only