German language lessons:

SK4How many language lessons will I have?

The language course alone consists of a total of 80 general language lessons. These 80 lessons are compulsory for all participants who want to gain a certificate in the end of the course.
One lesson is 45 minutes.
Lessons take place in the mornings Monday to Friday
from 9:15 to 10:45 and 11:15 to 12:45 (= 4 lessons).
Exceptions: On the first day class (Mon 5th) lessons will only take place in the afternoon (14:00-17:30). On Thu 22nd you have two additional lessons in the early afternoon and on the last day of class (Fri 30/8) there will be 2 lessons in the  morning, then participants will fill in an evaluation and in the afternoon there will be a certificate ceremony.

In the afternoons, participants can join optional tutorials to further practise their different skills,i.e.:

IIK_23● Phonetics
● Oral German / Conversation
● Creative Writing
● improv/drama games

These tutorials are included in the course fee.

Futhermore, you can participate in many further
free extracurricular activities which will take place in the afternoons and evenings, i.e. movie nights, choir, sports, cooking, international cultural evenings, dance evening, parties, hikes, excursions, etc. → more information on the extracurricular activities

IIK_24_800How many different course levels will be offered?

We offer 8-9 courses for different half-levels:
from Basic Level A1.1 to Advanced Level C1.1. Participants who are not sure what half-level to join can take an optional online placement test which we will offer in July. Lessons start on Monday, 05/08/2024 and during the first few days you and your teacher can test if your speaking skills and listening comprehension also match the assessed resp. registered level. We aim to form groups of students with similar language skills and with an average of 14 participants in each half-level. Each summer course level correlates with half a level according to CEFR (i.e. B1.1 or B1.2, not the complete B1 level).

IIK_22Can I change the level?

If you feel that you were placed in or chose a level which is too easy or too difficult for you, you can talk to the teacher and change levels until the mid of the first week (until Wednesday, 7th, 12:45).

Who will teach me?

All teachers have years of experience in the field of German as a Foreign Language (Deutsch als Fremdsprache or DaF), both in and outside of the university. In the optional tutorials students of didactics and methodology of German as a Foreign Language will practise conversation, pronunciation and writing skills with you.

IIK_28How will the course be taught?

Lessons will cover all four skills (speaking, writing, listening, reading) as well as grammar and special vocabulary training. However, the focus in all levels will be on the improvement of your oral communication skills. Textbooks and depending on the level material collected and prepared by the teachers are used in lessons (i.e. texts addressing current cultural and scientific topis, literary texts and newspaper articles).

Zeugnisübergabe in der Aula der Universität

certificate ceremony in the assembly hall of the university

Will I receive a certificate in the end?

All participants can receive an ECTS certificate (European Credit Transfer System) upon finishing the course. This requires regular attendance as well as successful participation (score of at least 50%) in the tests/presentations conducted during the instructional period. You get 6 credit points for attendance (not missing more than 12 lessons = 3 mornings) and passing the tests/presentations.
A grade (A-E) will be given to evaluate your performance.

In what way are the course levels different?

IIK_27What does Basic Level stand for?

Basic Level is for beginners with no or little prior knowledge. At this level basic knowledge of the language can be acquired or expanded. Students will be given guidance in exercises for listening and reading comprehension, as well as in oral exercises, vocabulary expansion, grammar and phonetics.

What does Intermediate Level stand for?

Good prior knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is required for participation in an Intermediate Level. The participants should be U3capable of reading texts, such as newspapers, and they should be capable of understanding simple authentic language recordings, such as short reports or excerpts from radio broadcasts. In addition, they should be able to discuss current topics or to compose longer written texts. Students will be guided in grammar exercises, vocabulary development and conversational practice, as well as in excercises for reading and listening comprehension, and exercises for creative writing.

IIK_25_800What does Advanced Level stand for?

Excellent German skills are required for participation in the Advanced Level. The participants should be able to prepare oral presentations and understand authentic recordings. The Advanced Level course especially incorporates textual analysis, presentations, discussion and argumentation, exercises for creative and professional writing, and exercises focusing on specially selected questions on grammar.

IIK Göttingen Intensive German Courses

in cooperation with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


Carsten Manns & Katharina Cherubim Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12, room 0.113 37073 Göttingen Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 99 E-Mail: Office hours by arrangement: → online meeting room

Summer Course - homeRegistration / Costs / GrantsExtracurricular activitiesAccommodation → FAQ - frequently asked questions → University Town of Göttingen → video summer course 2010


● University of Göttingen: Göttingen International - International Relations

● University of Göttingen: Language Centre German as a Foreign Language (German courses during the lecture period)

Bildungswerk ver.di in Niedersachsen

Participant's speech certificate ceremony 2009:

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Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation
IIK Göttingen e.V.

Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12
37073 Göttingen

Location Map

Service Point / Administration

Yulia Galatenko
Room 0.112

Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 97
Email: → Contact

Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tuesday & Thursday: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Course Coordination & Management

Contact Persons:
Katharina Cherubim & Carsten Manns
Room 0.113

Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 99
Email: → Contact

Consultation Hours: By appointment only

Board of IIK e.V.

Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 27157
Email: → Contact
Website: → Homepage

Consultation Hours: By appointment only