Registration Göttingen Deutsch Intensiv

Registration form German courses IIK Göttingen

Language courses German as a foreign language for international students (Göttingen University or other universities), employees and visiting scholars




    family name(s) / family name(s):

    first name(s):

    date of birth (day/month/year):


    your status:
    exchange student (partnership/Erasmus) at Göttingen Universityregular degree student of Göttingen Universityemployee Göttingen Campusvisiting scholar Göttingen CampusDAAD scholarship holder University Winter Coursestudent of another universityother category

    email address:

    please re-enter email adress:

    postal address:

    What is your current German level?
    No/little knowledge of GermanA1.1A1.2A2.1A2.2B1.1B1.2B2.1B2.2C1.1

    Please upload your most recent German language course/exam certificate or report card as a PDF file or photo (jpg/jpeg).

    If you are unsure about your current German level, we recommend the online placement test of Klett publishing house.


    Which German language course(s) do you want to join?

    EVENING COURSES B1.1 / B1.2 / B2.1 / B2.2

    twice a week: Tuesday + Thursday, 6-8:30 p.m., 16 appointments with 3 lessons each => 48 lessons
    in-person course (offline), € 330, see Website Evening courses

    B1.1: 04 March - 24 April 2025
    B1.2: 29 April - 26 June 2025
    B2.1: 07 January - 27 February 2025
    B2.2: 04 March - 24 April 2025

    B1.1 half-level:

    B1.2 half-level:

    B2.1 half-level:

    B2.2 half-level:

    05 - 25 MARCH 2025: HALF LEVEL COURSES A1.1 to C1.1 (International Spring Course):

    75 lessons, course fee per half level: € 475 including the language lessons and the extracurricular activities
    Further information: Website International Spring Course
    The following half-level courses won`t take place in March: A1.2 and B2.2

    A1.1 (for beginners without previous knowledge of German):

    A1.2 (for beginners without a little knowledge of German):








    04 - 29 AUGUST 2025: HALF LEVEL COURSES A1.1 to C1.1 (International Summer Course):

    Registration via Website International Summer Course

    03 -23 September 2025: HALF LEVEL COURSES A1.1 to C1.2 (International Autumn Course):

    75 lessons, course fee per half level: € 475 including the language lessons and the extracurricular activities
    further information: Website International Autumn Course

    A1.1 (for beginners without previous knowledge of German):

    A1.2 (for beginners without a little knowledge of German):









    I hereby wish to register for the German language course(s) as selected above.

    On receipt of confirmation of registration I will credit the bank account of the Institute for Intercultural Communication (IIK) to the sum of the course fee(s) [you will get the bank information together with your confirmation of registration]. Registration will come to effect only on arrival of the full amount.


    IIK collects, uses and saves your personal data for administrative purposes only (course organisation and finances). This information can only be provided to a third party where it relates to participants’ financial support or for billing purposes. These third parties include the University of Göttingen, the DAAD or foundations paying course fees on a participant’s behalf. This declaration of consent can be withdrawn at any time, however, this may result in the support being discontinued.

    I hereby consent to the use of my personal information as described above.

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    Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation
    IIK Göttingen e.V.

    Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12
    37073 Göttingen

    Location Map

    Service Point / Administration

    Yulia Galatenko
    Room 0.112

    Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 97
    Email: → Contact

    Office Hours:
    Monday & Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Tuesday & Thursday: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

    Course Coordination & Management

    Contact Persons:
    Katharina Cherubim & Carsten Manns
    Room 0.113

    Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 211 99
    Email: → Contact

    Consultation Hours: By appointment only

    Board of IIK e.V.

    Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
    Phone: +49 - (0)551 - 39 - 27157
    Email: → Contact
    Website: → Homepage

    Consultation Hours: By appointment only